A brand-new year brings new and improved technological changes. Say hello to 2019! Technology has brought about positive changes in every sector. Whether it is banking, agriculture or even education, technology makes everything fall in place! Speaking specifically of education, this year we shall witness a major transformation.

Here’s a quick post that talks about the technological changes in education that we shall witness in the year 2019. Take a quick look!

Entertainment & Technology = NubilesET

This is very true. Digital entertainment is on par with technology and we know the bond is only to become stronger. When it comes to adult industry, it’s the leader in mixing these two aspects. Recent example? The opening of NubilesET series, where popculture and mass media entertainment, thank to technology, is taken one step further and shown in a very… sexual way.

NubilesET – Entertainment Corner of Nubiles Studio

The Ways In Which Technology Will Bring A Change In Education This Year

2019 is the year for social change which comes about when there is a need for growth and advancement. There is an urgent need to shift our focus towards technology. The world has not reached the ultimate level, but we are certainly getting there.

Here are some technological changes that will change education in the year 2019:

Now is the time to embrace 5G
  • Firstly, the world will have access to 5G. While the world was going gaga about 3G and then 4G, now is the time to embrace 5G. How will this replacement help students? The 5G network will be robust, and a greater number of students will be able to get connected to the internet. It will be 40 times faster than the Wi-Fi you have in your home. Teachers will be able to embrace technology in their classroom!
  • Schools in Egypt have embraced technology by offering digital content. This is not just an e-book; it is an interactive form of e-book or a virtual lab where students can watch educational videos and read articles. Smart boards and tablets will become a part of every classroom! Most of the educational institutions are implementing this new-found technique.
  • Massive Open Online courses (MOOCs) are a curricula or course that everyone has access to. The teachers will be able to upload videos that are helpful for the students to grasp a concept. e-Learning is certainly more affordable than buying endless books from the market. Funnily, we are educating the children about ‘saving paper’ and not cutting down trees but schools and colleges are doing the same by selling books and notebooks.
Virtual reality classes
  • Virtual reality will be much more interesting in the year 2019. Students will be able to wear a pair of glasses and get virtual lessons from Newton himself. This will be an extraordinary and helpful experience for the children because they can relate to it. When a student watches videos and gets in touch with virtual reality, he/she’s able to remember the experience and the story-telling method. Books may seem monotonous for children, but virtual reality and videos will always keep them engaged.

Concluding Thoughts

Whether it is 2019 or 2028, technology will keep improving the educational techniques. It is a possibility that the next generation may see the future or interact with the aliens. Technology is a gift and all the institutions should embrace it with open arms.

There will be a rise in digital content this year, and academicians have predicted that it will bring about a positive social change.