As an adult, do you remember being much dependent on technology for your education? Not much, because although technologies were getting advanced, you were not taught lessons with a video or slideshow, but by your parents – tutors and the teachers at the educational institutions. The 21st century is still being enriched with newer technologies for educational purposes such as app and software with artificial intelligence, support websites, informative videos, slides and a number of educational gadgets. Technology will change education in near future and is changing gradually at present but under no circumstances, would it replace the teachers because even those websites, apps, software and videos are created by teachers.
Sis Loves Me Taking Over
Technology is already taking over the classic ways of having time for learning or… entertainment. While in the past you had to use CDs or DVDs todays youth is depending on streaming services only.
Sis Loves Me – entertainment of step sisters taking over the technology space.
The perfect example of such service is Sis Loves Me (adults only) that features the world’s most famous videos with step sisters. It’s packed with over 200 episodes and being launched back in 2016 it still operates to thousands of members in 2019. Can we say that technology of tomorrow is already here?
When it comes to teaching, though…
Can Technology
Replace Teachers
No. The contribution of teachers in our life starts right during infancy and at home because the first teachers are the parents who give you a primary idea of education. Then onwards, kids learn new things from their teachers in play schools, elementary school, colleges and universities. Here are different steps of education described to concretize the idea of no-replacement of teachers by technology.
have the help of interactive videos and lessons from internet as well as CDs
and DVDs consisting important lessons to know about alphabets, colors, animals,
flowers, fruits etc. These lessons from technology make them eager to learn
more when they get admitted to a school and there begins their more interactive
educational journey with flesh and blood teachers as they teach them with
real-time experiences. The kids also get the idea of competition and friendship
with other kids in classroom that is not limited to the technical gadgets
within four walls of home.
ElementarySchool Education
is the foundation of a student’s education because here teachers are more
thorough in their approach of giving the basic idea of each subject. While the
technological sources offer compact knowledge, the teachers explain those
compact ideas in detail while clearing any doubt arising among the students.
Teachers give proper attention to each student, hone their knowledge, give
home-works and check them so evaluate the progress of the students.
for gadgets, videos or software, there is hardly any scope for kids to clear
their doubts after a lesson. Technology doesn’t offer much practice or
home-work facility to help students understand how much they have understood
any topic.
High School
The formative years of high school education is dependent on both the skilled teachers and the technologies. As the students grow up, the syllabus grows extensively and in most cases, it is not possible for a teacher to cover an entire subject topic in one period. Hence, both the students and the teachers take aid from the technological aspects such as showing a film on a projector, giving practical lessons of computer, giving students projects involving digital media and so on. Students are also encouraged to surf the internet to get more details on their subject matters, current affairs and various general knowledge.
as a whole you can say that in high school, technology and teachers both play
vital roles in a student’s education –just as a teacher’s role can never be
fulfilled by technology alone, without exploring the technological facets,
students’ education would be incomplete.
College And
University Education
when a student enters college or pursues higher education from universities,
the dependence on teachers and technologies grow significantly. It can be said
beyond any doubt that the in-depth knowledge of professors and lecturers cannot
match that you find in any software, film, website, video or app unless they
consist any research thesis by the professors. That being said, it is always
useful to take help of these technological features to increase your knowledge
acquired from the lectures in classroom.
all means, one can say that the teaching method is changed now with technology
going hand-in-hand with the teachers. However, as much as technology is making
the job of teachers easier and education more interesting to students, there
will be never any replacement.
As parents, we all want the very best for our children, especially their education, but how many of us look up the best K-12 schools in the Unites States and move to ensure that our children really are getting the best education. With School Choice, one might suppose it is an option, but before doing anything drastic, why don’t we do a review of those top schools and find out what makes them the best. We will take a look at the best private K-12 schools, best public high schools, best charter schools, and best online schools.
Best Private K-12 Schools
1)Phillips Academy
Andover, MA
2) Phillips Exeter Academy
Exeter, NH
3) St. Paul’s School
Concord, NH
4)The Lawrenceville School
Lawrenceville, NJ
5) Choate Rosemary Hill
Phillips Academy Building
It’s easy to be number one when your student teacher ratio is an average 6:1 and you’re paying a yearly tuition that’s worth a full college tuition. I’m not sure what makes them the best when looking at how many surveys were answered by parents and students of the schools and the top average is 14. Money and living in New England make you the top 5 Best Private K-12 School.
Best Public High School
Walter Payton College Prep
Chicago, IL
Northside College Prep
Chicago, IL
Aldai E. Stevenson
Lincolnshire, IL
Thomas Jefferson H. for Science & Technology
Fairfax, Va.
Illinois Mathematic & Science Academy
Aurora, IL
The rest of the country needs to take a look at Illinois, they are definitely doing something right in their education system, especially Aldai E. Stevenson High School. Having almost 4,000 students and maintaining the kind of numbers that they are. What is in their water? Part of the key to success at any high school is going to be student teacher ratio; even at a school with a high student body ratio, they are able to maintain a low teacher/student number.
Best Charter School
BASIS Scottsdale
Scottsdale, AZ
Charter School of Wilmington
Wilmington, DE
Benjamin Franklin High
Orleans Parish, LA
Raleigh Charter
Raleigh, NC
BASIS Oro Valley
Oro Valley, AZ
BASIS Scottsdale Building
It comes as no surprise that the Charter for these schools is primarily STEM programs and that once again the class sizes are incredibly small. Reading some of the reviews from the students are interesting as they speak of the rigor of the classes and that parents are very strict, wanting the best for their students. I believe this is everywhere.
After reviewing the top five schools in the nation in the categories of Public, Private and Charter for high schools, I wasn’t personally overly impressed. As an educator in a past life, I could have been a top 5 educator in the nation if I only had 5 students to teach in every class, had the best equipment, and made the salaries I can only assume some of the New England teachers are making. The point is that what has been said about improving education for our students is still true no matter where you live.
Class sizes need to be smaller
Teachers need to be motivated and held to a standard of excellence
Modern technology needs to be provided in every classroom
Teachers, students, parents, and administrators all need to help each other out and work together
Students must be held to a higher standard of learning
When these conditions are met, then every school will be a top 5 school in the country.
Two of America’s largest political and economic concerns are the educational system and the unemployment rate. Unfortunately, as time progresses they become more paradoxical. Three-quarters of the rapidly growing fields of occupations: science, engineering, technology, and mathematics, require students to have an education beyond high school. Unfortunately, the United States is also close to the top of the list regarding school dropout rates across the world. For those who do graduate and attend college, over half need remedial classes, and never manage to achieve graduation.
A college degree is a primary way to boost the U.S. economic growth and increase what we have been lacking more recently – a thriving and strong middle class. For that to happen, the education system has to improve immensely, and that means throughout preschool and into college, or careers, or the innovation-based economy that future generations will employ to make their livings.
For that challenge, in 2009, the Obama Administration launched a set of core reforms that he hoped would ensure that more students would take advantage of the free K-12 education they are receiving and encourage a better take-up of the college track post high school.
Core Reforms – Obama 2009
Highly Regarded Preschools: $1 billion was invested to promote preschool attendance for all American children; over half the states markedly boosted their own investments in early learning. Through the Obama Administration’s Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Program, 5.2 million children from low-income families in 20 states will benefit from high-quality, seamless state-funded early learning systems that link education, health, nutrition, and family supports. Additionally, 18 states are building or enhancing their infrastructure to provide or expand high-quality preschool programs in high-need communities through Preschool Development Grants.
Higher Standards: More than 24 million students have access to higher standards of education than they did a few years ago
Data and Assessments with more application: The reform invested $360 million in states that created a newer measurement aligned to career-ready and college- standards that exceed the outdated bubble tests, concentrating with a focus on problem-solving, critical thinking, and writing.
All classrooms having effective and dedicated educators: All students require and are worthy of strong and passionate teachers; however, research reveals that those of low-income and minority students are considered to have less innovative and dedicated teachers than other students.
Discipline and Civil rights: In 2014, the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice issued the package of guidance and resource materials the purpose of which was to aid schools’ focused attention on the excess of exclusionary punishment and unbalanced levels of correction for students with disabilities and students of color.
(U.S. Department of Education, 2015)
Present Reforms And Of The Future
Barack Obama
These reforms introduced during the Obama Administration (2008-2016) set the standard for the creation of the following reforms and their futures, recommended or discussed in either the Obama or the current president’s Administration.
Creating the STEM Program: This reform investigates methods of calculating classroom subject material and procedures in the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and the Next Generation Science Standards to enhance and increase knowledge in the areas of technology, science, engineering, and math education.
School Choice – Giving Parents the Knowledge They Need: Parents need information about the educational lessons, amenities, and the school climate to make informed decisions about schools. An advanced method of measuring and accumulating information on performance and an approach to making the method available to families is needed in the schools.
The Improvement of Leadership in Schools: The Every Student Succeeds Act provides states and districts with fresh opportunities to provide for school leadership. Based on evidence, mediations, interventions, and more involvement from school policymakers it has been proven that the quality of school leadership can be vastly improved.
(RAND, 2017)
Students benefit from STEM program
These are a sampling of the latest initiatives added to the United States educational reforms.
However, the need for higher educated people has never been greater, especially in the areas that STEM covers. Parents, students, school leaders and the general populace can expect to see more reforms, more transitions, and constant changes until the United States is where it needs to be with regard to meeting the educational needs of its citizens.
The U.S. educational system has continued to slip and fall behind over the past five decades due to changing demographics and socioeconomics.
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The Solution Website is a complete encyclopedia when it comes to the educational dynamics of the USA.